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Conserving Natural Resources
Products and Prices

Products & Prices

Mercer County Soil Conservation District (MCSCD) offers conservation grade bare root trees and related products for sale. Bare root trees are one- to three-year-old nursery stock that are dug, stored, and shipped without soil or potting mix surrounding their roots. Ordered hand plant trees will be available for pick up at the district’s tree warehouse in Hazen at the end of April. The district holds a tree sale at the end of May to sell surplus trees from the season's planting.

Order Hand Plant Trees

2025 Handplant Tree Order Form

Deadline to order is December 31st, 2024

Products and Prices

Hand Plant Trees (bare root stock)
Conservation Grade (CG) tree stock
Taller trees available in some varieties
Weed Barrier Fabric
Weed Barrier per foot (6' wide)
Weed Barrier 500 foot roll
Weed Barrier 300 foot roll
Staples - each
Staples - bundle 25
Flags - bundle 25
Tree Tubes
Deer Repellent
Deer Repellent 1 Liter
Deer Repellent 5 Liter
Deer Repellent Box
Deer Repellent Granular
Deer Repellent Shaker 3.5lb

Deer Repellent - Plantskydd is an organic (dried blood), non-toxic animal repellent that is not harmful to animals or the environment. It works by emitting an odor that animals associate with predator activity. Research has proven that odor-based repellents are more effective than other repellent systems; where the animal needs to taste treated plants before being repelled. Plantskydd repels: Deer, Elk, Moose, Rabbits, Voles, Squirrels, Chipmunks, and other herbivores.

All items subject to 7% sales tax

Tree Planting Resources

Hand-Planting Guidelines for Bare Root Trees and Shrubs (PDF)
North Dakota Tree Handbook
North Dakota Tree Selector

Copyright © Mercer County Soil Conservation District. All rights reserved.